Born the daughter of a sailor and raised on the island of Guam and the Pacific Northwest Coast, I’ve always had a natural affinity for the ocean that feels like home to me. 

As lovely as that environment sounds, it was really rough seas as my mother was diagnosed with Borderline and Narcissistic Personality disorders.  

Like most Mermaids, I learned to give up my voice to be part of her world.  I learned to hide my magic in my innermost depths…as deep as the ocean floor!  It was the only way for me to feel safe. 

But Mermaids are meant to sing and radiate all of their magical and sparkly, radiant, love and joy!  

 With more than 20 years experience in mindfulness, meditation, and coaching creative entrepreneurs, it is my mission to to use my own Magical Mermaid Spirit to guide other Mermaid archetypes in cultivating their own warm, intuitive, and magical powers.  I’d love to work with you and guide you to find your voice and discover your joy!  

“Working with April offered me more insight into my relationship with money. I was able to use the protocol to curb some impulse spending and really discern and love my reasons for spending. I’m feeling more confident and better now about money.”
— EN
“April’s coaching has given me multiple tools that I can implement on my own, including thought management, discerning between the facts and my perception, and how to recognize an unhelpful pattern in my life and where they come from. Her lovingly no-nonsense approach to thought and behavior management is all the more empowering because it’s rooted in compassion and first-hand experience implementing the life coaching model.”
—  Keith